Mother’s Day Photo Frame

Mother's Day Sublimated Photo Frame

With Mother’s Day just a month away, you definitely don’t want to wait until last minute to shop for a gift for the most important lady in your life. Our moms would do almost anything for us… so why not show them just how special they are by creating a personalized photo frame with sublimation?

8X10 Offset Picture Frame

I decided to go with a blank 8×10 picture frame, which has an offset opening for a 6×4″ photo so that the frame can be rotated horizontal or vertical to place the opening in a different position. This frame has a thick beveled edge, and comes in black.

Photo frame design on Texprint sublimation paper

After creating a “wood” background and custom text in Photoshop, I mirrored my design and then printed to our Virtuoso Sg400 sublimation printer, using an 8.5×11″ sheet of Texprint paper. After pressing for 60 seconds at 400° Fahrenheit with the TransPro 15×15 heat press, my frame is complete… it’s that easy! Now just toss in your favorite photo of you and your mama, and VOILA!

Sublimated 8x10 Photo Panel

Be sure to check out our complete line of sublimation blanks to find the perfect gift for your mom! What will you be making your mom this Mother’s Day?