Pro World Help Center

Have a product question? We have an answer, and you can find it in our Help Center

pro world help center

Within our Help Center, you will find:

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Product Help – on just about everything that we carry

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Order Help – from financing to shipping, warranties, and PW Rewards

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Tshirt Forum – talk to like-minded people in the industry on the Tshirt Forum

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Marketing Advice – receive tips on how to launch your business and make it successful

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Plus, you can use the type to search tool to find just about anything you are looking for!

As if that wasn’t enough, we also have an extensive database of video tutorials on our YouTube Channel. We cover everything from product tutorials, project inspirations, specials guests, new releases, and more! So if you aren’t a subscriber yet, you should be!  Go here!

If you prefer to watch LIVE videos, you should stop by our Facebook Page because every Friday, we go LIVE! Danielle from our customer service team picks a topic and walks you through the steps LIVE and uncut! 

And if after all of that you still need help, you can click the CHAT NOW button on the bottom right-hand side of our website where someone from our customer service team will be able to assist you. 
