Do More With A Tee

Here we are late in the year and I always wonder what we’ve accomplished from the time the ball dropped on Times Square signalling the start of 2010. So, as I scan my memory (short at times) I remember that  much of our effort was spent building out a new website that included many new features for our customers, and for us…. and we are still not finished. The ongoing effort of trying to manage a growing inventory of transfer designs, transfer papers, and equipment is always a year to year challenge. Also, much thought has been given  to new products that we might want to include in our selection for 2011. We have several on the drawing board and maybe you want to provide some input as to products or programs that you would like to see at Pro World. If so, please comment on the blog or send us a message here. I will personally respond to all suggestions.

I am also wondering how many of you are adding value to your transfer printed garments by embellishing them with rhinestones, embroidered appliques, and vinyl? I have had some customers tell me that they have used a higher quality shirt (cost of $5-$8), a transfer, and added some strategically placed rhinestones and sold them for about $40. I think that the more creative you get the more value you add to the product and that certainly demands a higher selling price.

I want to wish you all a happy holiday season and lets hope for a prosperous, and healthy, year in 2011. To all our customers, I thank you from the bottom of my heart (and all of our employees wallets) for your continued support of Pro World. We more than appreciate it.