Have you been thinking about getting a new cutting machine? Now is the time to buy because we are giving you 10% OFF from now until July 10th!

Which cutter should you buy? Well, considering we have over 20+ different types we thought it may be helpful to point out a few of the different options for you!
If you are looking for a Beginner Cutter you should consider the following:
The Silhouette Cameo 3 is perfect for beginners and anyone looking to cut vinyl as a hobby. It has the shortest learning curve with easy to use software.

Another cutter you may consider using is the GCC Vinyl Cutter lI which is considered our premier beginner cutting machine because of it’s optimum speed, superior quality, and solid reliability.

We also have the Galaxy Elite 15″, which is perfect for a mid-range professional wanting wanting to sell custom products. This reliable desktop cutter includes Dragon Cut Basic software and offers contour cutting abilities.

Looking for more Professional / Advanced Cutter? Here are two options to consider:
The Galaxy Pro 24″ offers a servo motor for quick and quiet cutting capabilities. This version includes a laser alignment system for registering your vinyl to the cutter for performing contour cutting. A stand, media basket and Dragon Cut Basic are also included.

If you are looking for something a bit larger but still fairly easy to use check out the GCC Cutter Expert Lx 52″. It will let you cut up to 52″ wide!

If you need a cutter to keep up with the demands of your professional cutting business you should consider upgrading to one of these cutters:
If speed is important, than the GCC Vinyl Cutter Rx II 40″ is for you! It cuts 60 inches per second! You’ll be able to get through your large orders fast with a speed like that!

Another great option is the GCC Vinyl Cutter Jaguar V Lx 72“. Not only does it cut 72” wide but each pinch roller can be positioned and operated individually, widening the Jaguar cutting plotter’s range. A stand and media basket are also included, which will keep your vinyl off the floor and clean of debris.

Still, don’t see what you are looking for? No problem! We have over 20 cutters for you. Check them out on our website or contact us and we can help assist you.
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