Tips for cutting large vinyl decals

Want to change your space? Add some adhesive vinyl!

Recently one of our employees made a photo clock wall but as you can see it was missing that extra something…

DSC05563But by adding 3 yards of FDC Adhesive Vinyl; the wall was complete!

photo clock wall

Large vinyl decals may look hard, but they are simple to create!

Do you want to make your own? You will need FDC adhesive vinyl, gridded transfer tape, a weeding tool, a squeegee, Silhouette Machine, and a roll feeder.

What’s a roll feeder? A roll feeder is an attachment for your Silhouette Machine. You snap it onto the bottom of your machine, slide the roll of vinyl into the feeder, and send it through your machine.

Silhouette Roll Feeder

Why use a roll feeder? When making cuts on large pieces of vinyl, you run the risk of your vinyl sliding due to the weight of the length, which could affect your design. So by using the roll feeder, the Silhouette machine can pull the vinyl as needed without fighting the weight of the vinyl length, allowing for a consistent, smooth feed. This will help lessen your chance of making a mistake, saving you time and money!

Want to create a large vinyl quote? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Un-select the mat option within your Silhouette Software
  • Change your image size to reflect your design size
  • Weld your font if there is any overlapping
  • Turn the saying sideways (verticle), but be sure to make sure the width is less than 12″. If it’s larger than 12″ no problem, just ungroup your saying or cut your design.
  • If you are cutting on HTV make sure you mirror your designtips for cutting large vinyl decals with your silhouette machine
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When to use a Cover Sheet with Heat Transfers


When to use a non-stick cover sheet with heat transfers

A non-stick cover sheet (also known as a Teflon sheet) is a protective sheet that can be re-used over and over again. But when do you need to use one? There is a common misconception that cover  sheets should be used every time that you are pressing a heat transfer. However, the truth is that you don’t actually NEED a cover sheet for most types of transfers. A non-stick sheet works as a barrier, and can absorb some of the necessary heat, which may cause a transfer not to peel correctly. This could leave you frustrated and trying to figure out why you are not getting the results you want.

Don’t get me wrong… a non-stick sheet can be really useful and it is always great to have one laying around your shop. These cover sheets serve a couple of important purposes when heat pressing, and today we are going to explain some of these different situations.

Gif - Teflon Sheet

Let’s say you’ve just pressed a screen printed transfer onto a garment, and now you want to add a few random rhinestones for a little extra ‘bling’. Or maybe you are creating a design with multiple layers of vinyl. Any time that you are doing multiple presses, you will need to cover any existing transfer with a non-stick sheet to protect that exposed design from the top heat platen. Otherwise you will end up with a messy platen and a ruined t-shirt.

When printing both the front and back on a garment, a cover sheet can be placed inside of the shirt to block heat from getting through the fabric, so that you don’t end up with a shirt that is stuck together. You would also want to use a cover sheet when working with our stock lettering- which requires you to peel and place each letter on the shirt individually. Once the lettering is secured with thermal tape, cover with the non-stick sheet and press according to the instructions listed on our website.

Teflon sheet covering a garment

A cover sheet can also be used to add a glossy finish to your printed heat transfers. After printing the transfer as directed, just put the non-stick sheet over the transfer and close the press for a few seconds. This will create a smoother finish to the initial pressing and add a bit of luster. The non-stick sheet can also be helpful if you are experiencing any scorching on your garments, working with particularly high temperatures, or if you have long dwell times.
Sof-fusion pressing pillows

Another accessory that’s good to have around is our Sof-Fusion pressing pillows. These non-stick, foam core pillows protect your garments and have several benefits. They can be used to provide even pressure. We recommend using them when you print near an obstruction such as a zipper, button, or even seams in the garment. Insert the pillow into the garment- as this allows buttons, zippers, and seams to sink down into the padding, eliminating pressure points and providing more even pressure.

Non-stick sheets are also used when working with certain sublimation products, such as mugs. Always double check the application instructions on our website to find out if a cover sheet will be needed with the product you will be using.

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Applying a Heat Transfer to a Pair of Shoes

Are you in the mood for some Thursday inspiration? I hope so, because today’s project is outside the normal craft box. We are showing you how our American Flag Heart Heat Transfer was applied to a pair of SHOES!! Yes, you read that right! Since our friend Dee was the daring crafter to attempt the unthinkable, we will let her explain how she heat pressed this design onto her shoes, and what you should do/shouldn’t do if you decide to make a pair for yourself. Take it away Dee!


Hey, everyone! I am so glad to be back at Pro World showing you how I applied a Heat Transfer to my plain shoes. You see it all started because I forgot to read the size of the heat transfer before I bought it. When my transfer came in bigger than the shirt I was planning on using it for I didn’t want to waste such a gorgeous design so I decided to find another use for it. Fortunately, I keep lots of blanks laying around the house, so I grabbed a pair of plain white shoes that I had lying around and went to work!


First, I cut my design to fit the shoe shape. Keeping in mind that my 15×15 heat press wouldn’t be able to wrap my design around the shoe, it would strictly smoosh the design flat.


Then I set my heat press at 390 degrees Fahrenheit since that is the temperature that this particular heat transfer calls for. Pro World lists all of their application instructions online under each product, so be sure to double check if you are unsure of the time/temperature to use!

While I was waiting for that to warm up I took the laces out of my shoes and positioned and repositioned the transfer a few more times. When the buzzer for the heat press finally chimed, I carefully laid the shoe tip in between the two press pads and pushed down so that all of the heat transfer was covered, while the heel was sticking out the front.


After being pressed for 10 seconds, I immediately lifted and pulled the transfer right off while it was hot. Then I repeated with the second shoe.

flag heat transfer onto shoes

Want to make a pair for yourself? Here are some things you should know:

  • Using a Shoe Platen would help achieve better results. You can add one to your order here!
  • To protect the shoe from melting, we suggest placing a teflon sheet over your transfer and the shoe.
  • Make sure your image is positioned right BEFORE you heat press it. As you can see from my flag, I clearly was looking down when applying the transfer.
  • Stick with a distressed design; your transfer will not be completely smooth so the distress will be more forgiving.
  • You don’t have a lot of control with this project, so make sure not to attempt this on your favorite pair of shoes just in case it doesn’t turn out and two, have a plan B.

applying a heat transfer to a pair of shoes


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Heat Transfer Paper – Inkjet vs. Laser

When choosing a transfer paper to print your own designs from home, the very first thing you want to consider is what type of printer you will be using- inkjet or laser. It is important to use paper meant for the type of printer you have. With that being said, be sure to stay away from “laserjet” which is actually a combination of an inkjet and a laser, and we do not have any paper that will work with these types of models. We also suggest staying away from certain brands such as HP, Dell, and Brother- as we have found that these printers have internal fusers that run too hot. This can cause the paper to get stuck in the rollers, which ruins the paper and possibly the printer itself.

When choosing which type of printer to buy, there a few things to keep in mind. You will need to decide what is more important to you — color and soft hand (inkjet) or cost and time efficiency (laser). Laser paper tends to cost less than inkjet paper, and they can can print at high speeds when printing hundreds or thousands of pieces. With laser, there are trim-free paper options that are not available with inkjet. However, inkjet tends to have a softer ‘hand’ and more vibrant color. Below we will break down all of the different paper options that we offer for both types of printers.


  • Clearsoft Inkjet Paper for Lights
    Item# 401 (8.5×11) and 402 (11×17)

Clearsoft is our most popular inkjet paper for light garments. This paper has a polymer coating that bonds the inks to the fabric fibers all without using a plastic film. It can be applied to a variety of materials such as cotton, cotton-poly, canvas, felt, silk or even rib knit. Because the coating is clear, it is not necessary to trim this paper, but it is recommended, to avoid seeing the transparent film on your garment. This paper is great for printing any type of design, whether it is just text or a solid clipart design, a design with gradients, or even a photograph.

  • Jetpro Soft Stretch Inkjet Paper for Lights
    Item# 601 (8.5×11) and 602 (11×17)

Jetpro Soft Stretch is also a paper for light garments that is comparable to our Clearsoft paper. Just like Clearsoft, this paper also has a clear polymer coating. You can transfer your photos and images to t-shirts, sweatshirts, aprons or just about any cotton, cotton blend, or polyester fabric. For best results, use light colored material with a smooth surface. This paper provides a vibrant, durable, stretchable transfer. You may want to trim any excess paper for best results, which will eliminate the coating around your design.

  • 3G Opaque Paper for Darks
    Item# 795 (8.5×11) and 895 (11×17)

This single-step opaque paper is easy to use and is a great way to apply your design to a dark garment. It contains a white coating that allows for photograph quality images to be transferred. You will want to trim around the edges of your design to avoid seeing this white coating when applying the design to your garment. This product may also be cut with a cutter/plotter that has an optical eye, such as our GCC Vinyl Cutter Expert II LX. It can be applied to t-shirts, sweatshirts, mouse pads, and more. This is the only option for inkjet when printing on darks – no trim free options are currently available on the market.


  • Lasersoft EZ Peel Paper for Lights
    Item# 301 (8.5×11) and 302 (11×17)

Just like our Clearsoft and JetPro inkjet papers, this laser paper has a clear polymer coating that allows for printing any type of design, including photographs. Designed for both fuser oil and oil-less laser printers and copiers, this product can be used on cotton, cotton-poly, canvas, felt, or even rib knit. Just like the comparable inkjet papers, it is recommended to trim any excess paper from around your design to avoid the polymer coating showing on your garment.

  • CLC Paper For Darks
    Item# 585 (8.5×11) and 900 (11×17)

This paper is great for the heat transfer of high-resolution photographs and images to dark colored t-shirts, sweatshirts, mouse pads, coasters, puzzles and more. It is best to choose garments that have a tight weave. Similar to the 3G Opaque paper for inkjet, this paper also has a white coating that would need to be trimmed before pressing. Anything that is not trimmed will show as white on the garment.

  • CL Trimfree for Lights
    Item# 1010 (8.5×11)

This is a one step trim-free paper for light garments, which has been developed to only release the polymer coating in areas that have toner coverage where the image is pressed to fabric. This eliminates the need to trim your design prior to imaging your garment. Trim Free Laser Paper produces vibrant full color images that will stand repeated washing. The CL Trimfree paper is not recommended for photograph images or gradient colors.This product is meant for both oil and non-oil color laser copies and printers. Be sure to choose garments that have a tight weave.

  • Image Clip Laser Paper for Lights
    Item# 875 (8.5×11) and 876 (11×17)

This paper is a two-step process that is great for solid color designs only. Please note – it is not designed to work with gradients or photograph images. It works well with cotton materials along with 50/50 blends and polyester, as long as the fabric has a tight weave. When using this product, there is no need to trim the excess paper since this product is self-weeding. There will be no background to your printed design.

  • Image Clip Laser Paper for Darks
    Item# 871 (8×10.5) and 872 (10.75×16.75)

Just like the Image Clip for lights, this paper is a two-step process that is meant for printing on dark garments, solid color designs only  – it is not designed to work with gradients or photograph images. This product works well with cotton materials along with 50/50 blends and polyester, as long as the fabric has a tight weave. There will be no background to your printed design, as this paper is also self-weeding.

lasersoft ez peel transfer paper

lasersoft transfer paper

Lasersoft Ez Peel

(Printed with Lasersoft EZ Peel Paper for Lights)

When printing with any paper, whether inkjet or laser, please note that there are a few printer settings that need to be changed in order to ensure a great outcome. First, change the paper setting from a ‘normal’ or ‘plain’ paper to a ‘heavy’, ‘label’, or ‘card stock’ mode, which tells your printer that you are using a thicker paper and therefore the feed will open up more. You will also want to change the settings to a ‘best photo’ or ‘photo glossy’ to allow for more ink to be printed on the paper.

Since there are so many makes and models of printers it is virtually impossible to guarantee the results on any one printer. We can only suggest that you check with the manufacturer regarding the use of transfer papers.

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Father’s Day Beer Mug

Can you believe that it’s already June? I’m pretty excited that May has passed us by… it was extra rainy this year in NJ.  I’m hoping that June will bring clear skies and sunshine, because my favorite way to end the week is in the backyard BBQing with a cold drink! So with Father’s Day around the corner, I thought we’d share a simple gift idea that Dad can enjoy on those warm summer nights!

Father's Day, Gift, Custom

You Need:

Since the Dad that is receiving this mug is pretty awesome, it only made sense to use “This guy is one awesome Dad” as our design, but you could write anything! For the Star Wars loving Dad you could use “Yoda best father” or if Dad is a bit smelly maybe World’s Best Farter Father”, you could even trace a handwritten note from one of the kids like we did on the Mother’s Day planter. The sky is the limit!

Once you figure out what you want as your design, you need to cut it!  So load your FDC vinyl, check your settings, image size and click cut!

As your vinyl cuts, grab your rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball and clean the area that the vinyl will be placed. This will remove any residue or debris to help the vinyl get a good seal.

Now that your mug is all clean remove the vinyl, weed it, lay the transfer tape and apply.

Put it in a gift bag because you are done!

DIY father's day gift


We’d love to see what you are making Dad for Father’s Day! Tag us on twitter, facebook or instagram at @proworldinc or by using the #proworldinc

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Custom Jewelry with Sublimation Pendants!

Custom necklaces with sublimation

Over here at Pro World, we are SO excited for the start of summer. After experiencing a long, cold winter in New Jersey… we can almost taste the salty air! Inspired by the upcoming Memorial Day holiday, we decided to create some beach-themed jewelry with one of our new products for sublimation – bezel pendants!

Sublimation Bezel Pendants

Since I knew I would be pressing a few pendants, I set up a file sized at 8.5×11″ in Photoshop, and ganged a few different designs at different sizes within that file before printing. Most of my designs were set up to be sized slightly larger than 1×1″ (the size of the pendant) to allow for the bleed area. As you can see by the design on the far right, if you do not allow extra space for bleed room, your design may end up being smaller than your printable area. In this case, you can see a sliver of white at the bottom of the pendant where the design was off.

After cutting my designs and taping them to the aluminium pendant inserts with thermal tape, I pressed all three at the same time on our TransPro 15×15 heat press. Application instructions can be found on the corresponding product pages of our website. In this case, I followed the instructions for sublimation on metal.

Sublimation on bezel pendants

After pressing your aluminum insert and letting it cool, you’ll want to peel the adhesive off of the double-sided tape on the silver plated bezel pendant that the insert is designed to fit in. Make sure you press the insert firmly into the bezel to ensure that it attaches securely to the tape. To finish off the necklace, you will need a chain for the pendant to hang on. We offer an 18″ silver plated necklace chain that fits perfectly through the bail of the pendant.

Sublimation on bezel pendant

These make a perfect gift idea for any occasion- Mother’s Day, an anniversary, a new baby, or create a design for everyday wear! Sublimate anything from photos to text for a truly one-of-a-kind custom necklace. Show us what you’ve made by following @proworldinc on Instagram and tagging us using the hashtag #proworldinc
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Make Money with Custom Transfers

Turn your design into custom heat transfers

Did you know that we offer custom transfers? In addition to the stock products that we carry, we also have a whole section of our business dedicated to custom printing. Before you get started on your first custom order, you probably have some questions. Today we are going to touch on the basic info, as well as diving into some of the most frequently asked questions that arise when placing a custom order. So grab a snack and pull up a comfy seat!

Let’s start off by explaining the different products that we offer. In general, there are three different types of custom transfers – screen printed, rhinestone/rhinestud, and sequins. Today we will be talking about screen printed transfers, which are the most popular and versatile.

Screen printing is a technique where plastisol ink is transferred through a mesh screen onto a substrate (e.g. a t-shirt). A screen printed transfer is created in the same way, except that instead of a garment, the ink is transferred onto a release paper, which is then applied to the garment using a heat press. The end result is indistinguishable from a screen printed garment, and is just as durable. We have three different types of plastisol screen printed transfers:

vibratrans3 (1)VibraTrans is a spot color product, that is intended to be pressed onto light or white colored garments only. Easytrans is also a spot color product, very similar to Vibratrans, except that it can be pressed onto both light and dark colored garments. Our EasyTrans product gets backed with one of the colors within your design. This backing is an extra layer of ink that creates the base of the transfer, which also creates an approximate 1pt outline around the edges of your artwork. To avoid this outline, you can opt to add Clear as an additional color, and your job would be priced accordingly. In the image below, you will see an example of a transfer that was printed with a white backing.

Easytrans Custom heat transfers

Colortrans is a 4 color process transfer for both light & dark garments, which uses CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, & Black) to create the colors within your design. These four colors are printed in layers of small dots that combine to create the illusion of many more colors. With this product, we are capable of reproducing full color images. Colortrans is only recommended in a case where spot colors would not be an option- like the designs shown below.

Colortrans CMYK process color heat transfersColortrans CMYK heat transfersWe can also create some gradients/halftones with our Easytrans product by laying down small dots of color to achieve a fading effect from one color to the next. Below is an example of a job that was printed with 3 colors – Orange & Electric Green + Clear as the backing.

Gradients in heat transfers

Now that you’re familiar with each product, you are ready to fill out the quote form. This form will provide us with all of the information needed to provide a price quote. Choose your transfer type, let us know what type of garment(s) you will be printing on, and upload a file of your design. There is an area underneath where you will upload your artwork, to input any comments about your design that you think we need to know. For example, if you need two different sizes, you would include that information here. (e.g. 50 prints sized at 8×8″ and 50 prints at 3×3″)

Custom transfer gang sheet

We print on 13×19″ gang sheets, and can usually fit more than one print on each sheet. It is important to let us know when multiple sizes are needed, so that an accurate quote can be provided. We can also gang different designs on one layout if they contain the same colors. (i.e. front and back designs, different size labels for t-shirt tags, etc.) Since the quote form only allows for one file to be uploaded, you would need to submit separate quotes for each design that you have. In the comment section, just let us know that you are looking for your designs to be printed on the same layout.

13x19 Custom Gang Sheet

Once a quote is submitted, one of our customer service experts will review it and send you an updated/final quote within a couple of business hours. At this point, you can leave a deposit through your dashboard to proceed with a proof. Proofs are usually completed within 1 business day, and sent to you for a final approval. Once approved, you can pay for your order to push it forward to production. The normal turnaround time from quote-to-print is normally between 2-4 business days. Rush services are available upon request, and can be requested on the first step of the quote form.

koozie with custom transfers

Our custom transfers can be applied to a variety of items and materials, such as t-shirts, hoodies, shorts, hats, koozies, and more! We offer 80 standard colors for you to choose from when printing spot colors, including neon colors and metallic ink. Pantone colors are available for an additional charge. You can order a free sample pack for testing here!

Additional resources:

Pricing Chart:

Artwork Guidelines:

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End of the Year Teacher Gift

With the school year coming to a close, it’s the perfect time to show your child’s teacher how much you appreciate them with a little gift.

We decided to personalize a coffee mug since we liked this teacher a “latte” 😉 Not only did it turn out cute, but it only took a few minutes to make!

teacher giftFor this week’s post we used:

First, you will want to design your quote and apple within your cutting software. If you are using a Silhouette Machine you can download a free ‘apple’ file over at Silhouette School’s Blog. She has 11 options to choose from!

Once your design is finalized, you should measure your coffee mug and resize your file to fit the area as needed. Now, adjust your cut setting, load your vinyl, and select cut! Once you cut both designs, you will want to weed the excess vinyl, and then apply the transfer application tape to your design. IMG_4479

TIP: To help lay your vinyl on a curved surface, you can cut small slivers around your design. Just make sure you don’t cut your vinyl!


Once you apply your design you are done!end of the year personalized teacher gift.

Wasn’t that easy? You can give the mug as it is, add a gift card or even bag of coffee grounds!

Have you started working on your end of the year gifts? If so tag us on Instagram with the hashtag #proworldinc – we love to see what you are working on!


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Quick Seasonal Sports Shirts

Today we are going to talk about BASEBALL SHIRTS!

With the season changing, and games in full swing… we figured you may be receiving special requests from the dugout. So here are a few quick and easy shirts that you can make!

baseball and softball that you can easily make | Pro World Inc

When it comes to making t-shirts, you have three options: Sublimation, Vinyl and Heat Transfers. Today we are going to talk about Vinyl and Heat Transfers.

If you’ve never used Heat Transfers you are missing out! They allow for you to produce quality items, quickly. And all you need is the Heat Transfer Design, a heat press, and your garment! Plus unlike sublimation or Vinyl, Heat Transfers come in a variety of media types. You have access to thousands of screen printed designs, as well as foil, rhinestones/studs, 3D, and even glitter! You just lay your design on your garment, press it with your heat press accordingly to the instructions listed online, and peel the backing paper off of your design. It is so simple, and the shirt can be made in under 15 seconds.

Pro World has thousands of Heat Transfer Designs for you to choose from, so I thought I’d share a few of my favorite with you.

Eat Sleep Baseball Softball heat transfers

These “Eat Sleep Breathe” transfers are screen printed, and come in a few different color options, as well as different sports.  Pictured above:  Softball and Baseball.

Softball is for girls heat transfer

Softball is for Girls (shown above) is just one of the many screen printed heat transfers in the softball category, and there are many designs for baseball too, including Live Breathe Baseball, shown below.

Live Breathe Baseball heat transferNeon rhinestud transfers are really popular, and there are plenty of options for the Baseball Mom to choose from!

LOVE Softball rhinestud heat transfer

Baseball mom heat transfer rhinestone

I even made a shirt for my youngest. Want to see?

ssee how to layer iser easyweed

If the stock transfers just aren’t cutting it, you can always get creative and make a shirt with our favorite – Heat Transfer Vinyl. I made a quick shirt using the following products:

Siser EasyWeed

If you want to make this shirt for yourself, you should find clip art of a heart and baseball stitching. Size the seams to the heart so that it looks proportionate. And cut each color with your cutting machine.

Now, weed your vinyl. Then lay and press it for 10 seconds at 305F degrees. Since we are pressing the shirt twice, we can knock a few seconds off of the initial press.

Once you REMOVE the plastic top coat, it is time lay your second color.

Siser Easyweed

Now you can press it one more time at 305F for 10-15 seconds and then carefully peel the plastic off of your shirt.


You are done!  Have you made any seasonal sports shirts recently? Let us see by tagging us at #proworldinc on Instagram.

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FDC Vinyl on a Car Window.

How to apply sign vinyl to a car window

Calling all vinyl addicts! We have recently expanded our vinyl inventory to include sign vinyl, which can be applied to a variety of surfaces without heat. Check out our post a few weeks back on how to apply vinyl to a planter.

Today, we will show you how to apply our FDC High Gloss vinyl to a car window. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your vehicle, whether you may be advertising your business or creating your own unique stick figure family!

This process only takes a few minutes, but does require you to work slowly, especially when working with a larger design area. You want to pay careful attention to make sure that the design is transferred smoothly and evenly.

I started off by creating my design in Adobe Illustrator, and exporting the file as an AutoCAD Interchange File (*.DXF) to work with our in-house Silhouette cutter. I loaded my white glossy vinyl into the cutter, and off to work it went!

Silhouette cutter

Silhoutte Cutter

After the design is cut, I used a weeding tool  to weed away the excess material. Next, I cut a piece of gridded clear/blue application tape to the size of my design, peeled the backing off the tape, and applied the adhesive side of the tape to the vinyl. Prepare the sticker for application by firmly rubbing a squeegee or credit card across the clear transfer tape to remove any air bubbles that may have formed.

FDC Vinyl

Before applying the vinyl, you want to make sure your surface area is cleaned thoroughly, using either rubbing alcohol or soap & water. Stay away from Windex or similar products – they will leave a residue behind that will prevent the vinyl from bonding well. Make sure the freshly cleaned area is as dry as possible before applying your design.

FDC VInyl on car

Before peeling the backing paper off, test the placement of your design on the window or windshield before adhering. Take this time to line up any text, and center your design. We used thermal tape to help keep the design in place as we did our aligning.

FDC Vinyl on window

Next, peel the white backing paper off slowly as you lower the adhesive transfer tape onto the window’s surface. Since we left our scissors inside of the office, we used our hands to rip the backing paper off into sections. Doing one area at a time will ensure that you line everything up nicely and create less bubbles.
FDC vinyl on car window
Use your squeegee or credit card to rub the design in place firmly as you go, and to eliminate as many air bubbles as possible. In this case, we made sure to rub each letter individually using firm pressure to ensure that they would not stick to the transfer tape when we peeled it off.
Peeling FDC Vinyl
Once you are done giving it a good go with the squeegee, it’s time to peel! Remove the application tape by pulling from one corner 180 degrees against itself so as not to lift the decal/graphic from the surface.
Remove the application tape by pulling from one corner 180 degrees against itself so as not to lift the decal/graphic from the surface. If you find that part of your design is sticking to the transfer tape, just lay that area back down gently, and rub it firmly again with the squeegee before continuing to peel.
FDC Vinyl on car
 Now stand back, and admire your freshly decorated window or windshield! And have fun dreaming of all the ways to expand your t-shirt business with this awesome, versatile product.  😉
FDC Vinyl on car
FDC Vinyl on a car window
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